Batch Process Images
Batch process your images to quickly improve them in a group instead of working one at a time. With these workflows, you can:
- import your images
- quickly prepare the necessary filters
- Ctrl + A to select all images in the batch, or Shift + click to select some images from the batch
- click Save
You can let Autopilot decide on filters for you or set the filters yourself.
With Autopilot
Import your images to Topaz Photo AI. By default, all images will have a green dot on the bottom left which indicates Autopilot is on.
Batch processing with Autopilot works best if you have personalized Autopilot to your liking through the Preferences menu. Click here for instructions on configuring Autopilot.
Click the Save button and start the batch. Autopilot will select the best filters when it begins to process each image in the queue.
With Manual Settings
The following manual changes turn off Autopilot so you control the processing results:
- Enable/disable AI filters
- Change AI filter model used
- Change AI model settings
- Change subject masks
- Select/deselect faces for face recovery
- Crop the image
- Resize the image
Click Save and start the batch. Your settings are used for any images you changed. Autopilot will run on images with no changes.
Apply Settings to All
This is best for batches of images that are in similar lighting conditions or created the same way.
- Import your images to Topaz Photo AI.
- Make your manual adjustments on one image.
- Ctrl + A to select all images in the batch, or Shift + click to select some images from the batch.
- Right click the image or use the three dots to select Apply > Current Settings to All.
This copies the settings from one image to the selected images.
Click the Save button and start the batch. Every image in the batch will use the same adjustments.