
When experiencing any errors or to debug Topaz Gigapixel, try the following steps first:

  1. Verify your computer meets the system requirements. Update your graphics driver or operating system to the latest version.
  2. Restart the application.
  3. Reboot your computer and try again.
  4. Update to the latest version. Open Topaz Gigapixel and click the "Update Available" button on the top right or download a new installer from the Topaz Labs downloads page

Additional Issues or Errors

Downgrade to Gigapixel AI v.6.3.3

Downgrade to Gigapixel AI v.6.3.3

Error Loading Models in Gigapixel AI

Error Loading Models in Gigapixel AI

Recover FAQs

Recover FAQs

How to Obtain Your System Profile





How to Access Gigapixel logs

Gigapixel keeps record of each time you open and close the application by creating logs. These logs help locate possible errors when the app is used.

In the Gigapixel main menu, select Help > Open Log Folder


A window will open showing the Logs Folder that will look like this:


Right Click on the "Logs" folder > Click "Compress Logs"


A separate window will pop up and you will see a .zip file added.


Go to the Topaz Labs Support Page and the Support Chat window pops up. Drag your file into the message box. Be sure to include in your message a step by step description of how your Error occurred.


In the Subject Line, type in a short phrase of the conflict and include your email address. You can attach any additional files or screenshots of your error by clicking the photo plus icon located next to the Smile Face icon.

Click "Send" when you are ready to send the whole message to the Support Team.

Report Bugs and other conflicts

  1. Visit the Topaz Gigapixel AI Bugs & Issues Page
  2. Visit the Topaz Gigapixel AI Forums page


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