Supported Cameras & Files

Topaz Photo AI supports a variety of RAW and non-RAW file types.

Supported Cameras & Files

Topaz Photo AI supports RAW files from all cameras on the LibRaw 202403 snapshot list. We regularly add support for new cameras added in the latest RawDigger patches.

The following common file types are supported:

  • TIF
  • JPG
  • PNG
  • HEIC
  • WEBP

The maximum image size that we support is 32,000 pixels on the longest side.

Unsupported Cameras & Files

For new cameras with unsupported RAW files, you can message to be updated on when your camera will be officially supported.

To use unsupported RAW files there are three options to convert these to a usable format for Topaz Photo AI:

  1. convert these files to DNG with Adobe DNG Converter and import to the app
  2. convert these files to a non-raw format (TIFF or JPG) and import to the app
  3. use Topaz Photo AI as a plugin to a third-party application (Photoshop, Affinity Photo) to read the file

Unsupported file types listed below will not import to Photo AI or have issues with export. Convert to a supported file type (TIF, JPG, PNG) to use.

  • Sony: Lossless Compression Medium and Small (Large, Uncompressed, and Lossy Compressed RAW are supported)
  • All Apple ProRAW files
  • Panorama DNG files from multiple RAWs stitched together
  • HDR files
  • CBR
  • CBZ
  • PDF
  • PSD
  • SVG

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