Error Loading Models

This error occurs when a model file is needed to process an image or when the AI Engine is not able to run on the computer.

Missing Model Files & Reinstalling

For situations where neither the CPU or graphics card can process the image, your installation of Topaz Gigapixel is missing model files.

This can happen if antivirus, firewall, or a VPN blocks the installer from installing the files.

Disable any of the above software, then run the Topaz Gigapixel installer again which will repair your installation and add any model files which were missing.

System Requirements & Incompatible Graphics Card

Check that your computer meets the system requirements for Topaz Gigapixel. If your computer graphics card does not meet the system requirements, open Topaz Gigapixel.

In the Gigapixel main menu, select Preferences.


Select General > AI Processor > CPU


Contact Support

If you are still unable to resolve this error, please follow instructions to obtain your Log files and send them to the Support Team.

How to Obtain System Logs

How to Downgrade to v.6.3.3

Generative model FAQs